News — Zortrax DSS System
Creating Art with the Entire Zortrax Ecosystem
Posted by John Marello on

A museum in Gdansk, one of the largest coastal cities in Poland, commissioned an exhibition showcasing the art of working in amber to various local artists and designers. Here’s how Jakub Pastuszak, one of the designers involved in this project, is using an entire Zortrax Ecosystem to create beautiful miniatures and dioramas. Jewelry and art made of amber, which has always been a specialty of craftsmen and artisans in Polish coastal cities, has been chosen to be the theme of the exhibition hosted in a newly renovated Great Mill, a famous 14th century building in Gdansk. For this exhibition, Pastuszak...
- Tags: 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing, Zortrax, Zortrax 3D printers, Zortrax Apoller, Zortrax DSS System, Zortrax Ecosystem, Zortrax filament, Zortrax Inkspire, Zortrax Inventure, Zortrax M200 Plus, Zortrax M300 Dual, Zortrax M300 Plus, Zortrax Post Processing, Zortrax Service Center, Zortrax Z-UltraT
Sports Equipment Made with Zortrax Ecosystem Goes to Tokyo Olympics
Posted by John Marello on

3D printing and Tokyo Olympics? You bet it works! Using the Zortrax M300 Dual 3D printer, Athletics 3D prepared a custom pistol grip for Celine Goberville, who won the bronze medal in European Shooting Championships back in May. Now, Celine is in Tokyo, ready to compete with other world-class shooters in the Olympics. In the meantime, the Athletics 3D team enhanced the custom grip by smoothing it in Zortrax Apoller to help Celine improve her performance. We're keeping our fingers crossed for Celine. You can read more about her preparations for the competition and how 3D printing influences her performance...
- Tags: 3D printer, 3D printing, olympics, Tokyo Olympics, Zortrax, Zortrax 3D printers, Zortrax Apoller, Zortrax DSS System, Zortrax M300 Dual, Zortrax Post Processing, Zortrax Service Center, Zortrax Support Center
NEW Z-SUITE 2.8.0 is here!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

NEW Z-SUITE 2.8.0 No raft printing is here! "We're happy to inform you that Z-SUITE 2.8.0 has been released today and is available for download. Here are its most important features. Raft and First Layer Customization Rafts are no longer necessary to print with Zortrax LPD 3D printers. A user can dispense with a raft in favor of a brim deposited around the model to build up pressure inside the nozzle. Printing with a raft remains an option however and both the raft and the first layer of the print can now be highly customized. Advanced users can set their...
- Tags: Z-Suite, Zortrax, Zortrax 3D printers, Zortrax DSS System, Zortrax Inkspire, Zortrax Inventure, Zortrax M200, Zortrax M200 Plus, Zortrax M300
Z-Suite 2.7.4 is here!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Z-Suite 2.7.4 is here! Z-Suite 2.7.4 is here! "We're proud to inform you that the latest Z-SUITE release is available for download and comes with a number of new features." Get it here! [get your machine's Serial Number ready - you are going to need it]
- Tags: 3D Design, Z-ABS, Z-ABS Filament, Z-ESD, Z-GLASS, Z-HIPS, Z-PCABS, Z-PETG, Z-PLA, Z-ULTRAT, Z-UltraT Plus, Zortrax, Zortrax 3D printers, Zortrax Apoller, Zortrax DSS System, Zortrax filament, Zortrax Inkspire, Zortrax Inventure, Zortrax M200, Zortrax M200 Plus, Zortrax M300, Zortrax Z-ABS, Zortrax Z-ABS 3D printer filament
Zortrax Inventure 3D Printer - An ALL3DP Best!!
Posted by John Marello on

The Zortrax Inventure 3D Printer is one of the 12 Best Dual Extruder 3D Printers of Winter 2018!! By All3DP Placing great emphasis on dimensional accuracy and the printing of complex single material parts using soluble support structures, the Zortrax Inventure is a dual extrusion 3D printer that comes as a complete system for producing functional parts. In addition to a dual extrusion system that utilizes two nozzles on the same print head — once again with the idle nozzle electronically lifted to clear the active printing — the Zortrax Inventure features a DSS Station, a dedicated soluble support-dissolving unit...