News — DIY
How to Paint Your 3D Prints
Posted by John Marello on

Learn How to Paint Your 3D Prints Like a Pro! Learning to paint your 3D printed parts will enable you to create looks-like prototypes, detailed miniatures, and a variety of other visually accurate models. Navigating the various different materials and techniques can be intimidating, and in this post you’ll learn all of the steps needed to paint your parts from start to finish. Printing Starting with a detailed and well-printed model will make the rest of the painting process easier and improve your final results. Your printed model should be smooth and devoid of artifacts prior to painting. For FDM...
Some finished prints.
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

A couple of our standard test files to torture all new printers with.Not bad, but we need to figure out the raft settings better... yet another slicer to learn :(
- Tags: 3d printing, 3D Printing Kit, DIY, PLA
It's running!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on
- Tags: 3d printing, 3D Printing Kit, DIY, PLA
Assembly begins...
Posted by Jeff Coulter on
- Tags: 3d printing, 3D Printing Kit, CETUS, DIY
Another new arrival?!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

We'll be assembling and testing this over the next few days... Anyone else out there care to share some feedback on DIY 3D printers? Let us know your thoughts. Our CETUS was doing quite nicely once we got it leveled. Looking forward to comparing it to this one.
- Tags: 3d printing, CETUS, DEMO UNIT, DIY