News — 3D printers in medicine
COVID-19 - What can I do?
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

COVID-19 - What can I do? You can print some visors/shields. Give them to people you feel are in need of them. These are not intended to prevent infection - only cut down on the spread. Some are printing this version. Get the files here.
- Tags: #3d printers, #HackThePandemic, 3D printed mask, 3D printed projects, 3D printers in medicine, 3D printing ideas, 3D printing in medicine, Coronavirus, COVID-19
Coronavirus: 3D printers save hospital with valves
Posted by John Marello on

3D printers are helping to ease COVID-19 treatment supply shortages: "A 3D-printer company in Italy has designed and printed 100 life-saving respirator valves in 24 hours for a hospital that had run out of them." Read more: