News — 3D printing ideas
3D Print Your Halloween Costume: 15 Spooky Accessories
Posted by John Marello on

It's never to early to pick your Halloween costume. Check out the best 3D printed Halloween costume props and accessories at ALL3DP!! Halloween is here again and to help, ALL3DP has gathered projects for 3D printing masks, props, and accessories to help you make an impressive costume!Even though when you trick-or-treat you ultimately want candy, the tricking is also part of the fun. Sometimes you want to go in a cute or funny costume, but most times, you just want to be able to give people a good scare and then have a laugh about it. Check out the 3D...
- Tags: 3D models, 3D Printed Costumes, 3D printer, 3D printing, 3D printing ideas, ALL3DP, Halloween, Halloween Costumes, Halloween Decorations, Halloween Masks, Halloween projects
3D Printing Projects for Engineers
Posted by John Marello on

3D Printing Projects for Engineers: 10+ Projects to Challenge Your Skills Test your technical skills and ingenuity with these great 3D printing projects from ALL3DP. 3D printed projects that require a little more thought, effort, or technical skill than a typical stand-alone “slice-and-print” model. We hope this list will inspire not just engineers but any maker keen to expand their skills and be challenged. Whether your interest is electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical, systems, bio-medical, software, or aeronautical, there is a project for you. View the Projects on ALL3DP at For all of your 3D Printing needs, visit the experts at
- Tags: 3D print ideas, 3D printed objects, 3D printed projects, 3D printer, 3D printer projects, 3d printing, 3D printing ideas, 3D printing projects, ALL3DP, education, electrical, Engineering, engineers
Raise3D ideaMaker 4.1.0 includes Texture Feature
Posted by John Marello on

Raise3D ideaMaker 4.1.0 Update with a Texture Generation Feature ideaMaker is Raise3D’s slicing software, and one of its key products. It is available for use for both Raise3D and third-party users and aims to provide a smooth printing process. The latest version, ideaMaker 4.1.0, includes a texture generation feature. The latest update of ideaMaker, launched on March 15th 2021, includes a new feature that is unique for a software of its kind: adding texture on a model’s surface based on a greyscale 2D image. Users can now simply select an image with the desired pattern, and ideaMaker will automatically spread the image on the...
- Tags: 3D printer, 3d printing, 3D printing ideas, 3D Printing Industry, 3D printing News, Ideamaker, ideaMaker 4.1.0, Raise 3D ideaMaker, Raise 3D printers, raise3d, Raise3D E2, Raise3D Pro 2, Raise3D Pro2 Plus, slicing software
50 Cool Things to 3D Print - February
Posted by John Marello on

Bored of pointless 3D printer projects? Out of 3D printing ideas? Check out the ALL3DP list of 50 cool things to 3D print which are actually useful! See the details at
- Tags: #3d printers, 3D printer, 3D printer projects, 3d printing, 3D printing ideas, 3D printing projects, ALL3DP
3D Printing to the Rescue!!
Posted by John Marello on

10 Great Last-Minute 3D Printed Christmas Gifts from ALL3DP! 3D printing to the rescue! See the coolest (and quickest) 3D printed Christmas gifts that are sure to dazzle. The Christmas season really is one of the most wonderful times of the year. Family, friends, food, and gifts are what make the holiday special for many. However, giving gifts can be stressful. If you’re not sure what to get someone and want to think a bit out of the box, why not give them a 3D printed gift? Here, we’ve compiled a list of some of the coolest Christmas-themed options. Luckily, you...
- Tags: 3D Printed Gifts, 3D printer, 3d printing, 3D printing ideas, ALL3DP, Happy Holidays, Last minute gifts, Merry Christmas, Xmas Gifts