News — profound3d
Happy New Year From
Posted by John Marello on

Happy New Year!! Profound3D would like to wish you a happy and healthy 2023! We are always thankful to you for choosing us, for trusting us, and for giving us the opportunity to serve you. Happy new year to you and your family!
- Tags: 3D printer, 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing, Happy New Year, makersgonnamake, Profound3D, rapid prototyping
Happy Holidays from Profound3D!
Posted by John Marello on

To all of our customers, friends and family, thank you for another great year! Whatever you celebrate, we at Profound3D wish you and your loved ones a Happy and Safe Holiday Season!
Got Raise3D?
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Got Raise3D? One of our very good customers has completed his new facility, and it includes a farm of Raise3D systems. Chris can do a lot of things, some of them with the help of his Raise3D Pro2 Series printers. Check out Chris's services here. He's always adding new capabilities and new tools. Congratulations on the new space, Chris. I know it was a lot of work, but it looks like it was very much worth it! Find Chris on Facebook here. Get your own Raise3D Pro2 here. Get your own Raise3D Pro2 Plus here.
- Tags: #3d printers, #abusheroriginal, PRO 2 PLUS, Pro 2 Series, Profound 3D, profound3d, Raise 3D, Raise 3D printers, Raise 3D Pro 2, Raise 3D Pro 2 Plus, Raise Pro2, raise3d
Not just for toys.
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

We use a Nikon D7100 here for our in-house photography and time-lapse videos. Somewhere along the way the lens cap had been misplaced/lost. 3D printing to the rescue! Tracked down a reasonably close model on and scaled it it to fit. Three prototypes later and we now have a lens cap that fits. Since yellow PLA is not the best look, we'll be printing the final in some black HIPS or something more appropriate. If you need some quality PLA at a great price? In stock and ready to ship TODAY! Get your PolyMaker PLA here.
- Tags: 3D Design, HIPS, PLA, PLA Filament, PolyLite, PolyLite PLA, PolyMaker, PolyMaker filament, PolyMaker PLA, Profound 3D, profound3d
Happy New Year - SAVE SOME MONEY!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on
Zortrax M200 Open Box Bargain Alert! You can get a 'Best In Class' Zortrax M200 for only $1050! Fully serviced, in stock and ready to ship TODAY. Get your Open Box Zortrax M200 here.