News — 3D print ideas
3D Printing Projects for Engineers
Posted by John Marello on

3D Printing Projects for Engineers: 10+ Projects to Challenge Your Skills Test your technical skills and ingenuity with these great 3D printing projects from ALL3DP. 3D printed projects that require a little more thought, effort, or technical skill than a typical stand-alone “slice-and-print” model. We hope this list will inspire not just engineers but any maker keen to expand their skills and be challenged. Whether your interest is electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical, systems, bio-medical, software, or aeronautical, there is a project for you. View the Projects on ALL3DP at For all of your 3D Printing needs, visit the experts at
- Tags: 3D print ideas, 3D printed objects, 3D printed projects, 3D printer, 3D printer projects, 3d printing, 3D printing ideas, 3D printing projects, ALL3DP, education, electrical, Engineering, engineers
50 Cool Things to 3D Print
Posted by John Marello on

Bored of pointless 3D printer projects? Out of 3D printing ideas? Check out the ALL3DP June 2020 list of cool things to 3D print which are actually useful. And please post your 3D printed creations on the Profound 3D Social Media pages: Twitter Facebook Instagram Tumblr LinkedIn Pinterest
- Tags: 3D Design, 3D print ideas, 3D printed objects, 3D printed things, 3D printer, 3D Printer Parts, 3D printer sale, 3D printer sales, 3D Printer Service, 3D Printers, 3d printing, 3D printing filament, ALL3DP, cool 3D prints, Social Media, useful 3D prints
Free CAD Software...
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Free CAD Software... Need something to pass some time... to while away the hours? Brush up on your TinkerCAD skils - you will be grateful for making good use of your time! Increase your proficiency on the FREE design program! The best thing about TinkerCAD is that is does not require anything to be installed on your system. It's entirely cloud-based and the byproduct of that is you can access you projects from any web connected system and make edits or download and print them from virtually anywhere! This also makes it great for an EDU environment: • No software...
- Tags: 3D Design, 3D for Educators, 3D in classroom, 3D in Education, 3D models, 3D print ideas, teachers, Tinkercad
COVID-19 - What can I do?
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

COVID-19 - What can I do? Another in a series of informational posts. "Listen, kid, we're all in it together." Harry Tuttle-Heating Engineer [Robert De Niro in Terry Gilliam's "Brazil"] Here is a hands free shopping cart handle that can help stop the spead of germs. Find more info and get the files here.
- Tags: #3d printers, 3D Design, 3D models, 3D print ideas, 3D printing projects, Coronavirus, COVID-19
COVID-19 - What can I do?
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

COVID-19 - What can I do? Another in a series of informational posts. "Listen, kid, we're all in it together." Harry Tuttle-Heating Engineer [Robert De Niro in Terry Gilliam's "Brazil"] Here is a hands free door opener that can help stop the spread of germs. Find more info and get the files here.
- Tags: #3d printers, 3D print ideas, 3D printer, 3D printing in medicine, 3D printing projects, Coronavirus, COVID-19