News — Zmorph i500 3D printer
All clean!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

They Are Here! We warned you they were coming soon... and now, the very first ZMorph i500s on US shores have arrived! This is the first test print off the DEMO unit all cleaned up and after its bath to dissolve the BVOH support material. We are very excited to have the E X C L U S I V E on these first systems. Be the first on your block, heck, be the first in your state to get one! One of them was pre-sold in April - the other five are on a first come first served basis...
Hot off the presses...
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

They Are Here! We warned you they were coming soon... and now, the very first ZMorph i500s on US shores have arrived! This is the first test print off the DEMO unit: ZMorph's signature Silver PLA and BVOH water-soluble support material. Time to give it a bath in some hot water. We are very excited to have the E X C L U S I V E on these first systems. Be the first on your block, heck, be the first in your state to get one! One of them was pre-sold in April - the other five are on...
PLA with BVOH.
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

They Are Here! We warned you they were coming soon... and now, the very first ZMorph i500s on US shores have arrived! This is the test print run on our DEMO unit: PLA and BVOH water-soluble support material. We are very excited to have the E X C L U S I V E on these first systems. Be the first on your block, heck, be the first in your state to get one! One of them was pre-sold in April - the other five are on a first come first served basis so ACT NOW or you will be...
i500 First Print
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

They Are Here! We warned you they were coming soon... and now, the very first ZMorph i500s on US shores have arrived! This is our DEMO unit running its very first print: PLA and BVOH. Stay tuned for pictures of the final print We are very excited to have the E X C L U S I V E on these first systems. Be the first on your block, heck, be the first in your state to get one! One of them was sold in April - the other five are on a first come first served basis so ACT...
They are here!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

They Are Here! We warned you they were coming soon... and now, the very first ZMorph i500s on US shores have arrived! We are very excited to have the E X C L U S I V E on these first systems. Be the first on your block, heck, be the first in your state to get one! One of them was sold in April - the other five are on a first come first served basis so ACT NOW or you will be on the waiting list for the next batch [weeks away]. Buy your ZMorph i500 here.