News — Tinkercad
Free CAD Software...
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Free CAD Software... Need something to pass some time... to while away the hours? Brush up on your TinkerCAD skils - you will be grateful for making good use of your time! Increase your proficiency on the FREE design program! The best thing about TinkerCAD is that is does not require anything to be installed on your system. It's entirely cloud-based and the byproduct of that is you can access you projects from any web connected system and make edits or download and print them from virtually anywhere! This also makes it great for an EDU environment: • No software...
- Tags: 3D Design, 3D for Educators, 3D in classroom, 3D in Education, 3D models, 3D print ideas, teachers, Tinkercad
Free CAD Software... Part Two
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Free CAD Software... Part Two Next in a series of looks at *FREE* CAD software. When you move beyond just downloading what you are going to print, and need to make your own design, what do you use? We'll be looking at some free alternatives to the expensive CAD heavyweights that are out there. They all take some adjusting to, and have their own interface quirks and conventions and methods of accomplishing things. Today our candidate is TinkerCAD. The best thing about this one is that is does not require anything to be installed on your system. It's entirely cloud-based...
New TinkerCAD features!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Do you TinkerCAD? It's my design tool of choice. It's free. It's simple. What more could you ask for? How about some GREAT new features!? "Hey Tinkerers, we’ve just rolled out some super cool new Tinkercad features that will save you time AND give you more to check out when you’re perusing the Gallery!" Read more here!
- Tags: 3D Design, 3d printing, Tinkercad
The City That Zortrax Built [with some help]
Posted by Jeff Coulter on
Timber Lake Camp, in Shandaken NY, is using a Zortrax M200 3D printer to construct a city from scratch one building at a time.The 3D Printing Instructor, Daniel, is teaching the campers to use Tinkercad [a program we are very fond of here also] and then print their creations on the Zortrax.They are painting some of the buildings to add realism otherwise hard to obtain when printing with a single color of filament.For some of the campers this is their first exposure to 3D printing and Tinkercad, while others have previous experienceWe will be following the city construction as it...
- Tags: 3D Design, 3d printing, M200, Tinkercad, Zortrax