News — educators
Featured! MakerBot Sketch Classroom Bundle
Posted by John Marello on

#Educators - Save this Summer — Purchase the MakerBot SKETCH #3Dprinter Classroom Bundle and get 5% off. (5% discount is already applied to the displayed price). PLUS — we’ll add in THREE free spools of Tough filament to push your #students #3Dprinting projects even farther. Hurry, claim this deal before June 30th, 2021! Order online today at,
- Tags: 3D Education, education discounts, Educational Bundle, educators, Makerbot, Makerbot 3D printers, Makerbot Educators Guidebook, Makerbot Sketch, Makerbot Sketch Classroom Bundle, Makerbot Summer promo, Makerbot Tough filament, STEM Education
Posted by John Marello on

Discounted 3D printer Education Bundles from Profound3D! Profound3D's Education Bundles are fantastic, affordable option for educators who want to introduce their students to the constantly expanding world of 3D printing. The Educational Bundles are packages designed to give you the #3Dprinter, filament and accessories you need to get #3Dprinting set up and going in your #classroom. Each bundle includes a printer, recommended filament bundle and any particular accessories which the manufacturer recommends. These are all discounted from the base price, so you save with each kit. See our selection of 3D printer #Educational Bundles at
- Tags: 3D Education, 3D for Educators, 3D in Education, 3d printing, Afinia Educational Bundle, education discounts, Educational Bundle, educators, learning kits, robotics in education, STEM 3D Printing Kits, STEM Education, Zortrax Education Bundle
Back to School 3D Printer Savings from Profound3D
Posted by John Marello on

Profound3D offers 3D Printers which get the job done for schools and students. Now is the time to act with our BACK TO SCHOOL deals. Profound3D is offering a BACK TO SCHOOL deal that saves you 5% on any of our 3D printers, including our Educational Bundles. Use coupon code BACK2SCHOOL at checkout. This special coupon code is valid though August 31, 2019. Don't miss out on the savings!
- Tags: 3D in classroom, 3D in Education, 3D printer sale, 3D printer sales, 3D Printers, 3d printing, Afinia, Back to School Promo, education discounts, Educational Bundle, educators, Fusion F410, LulzBot, Raise 3D, STEM Education, ZMORPH, Zortrax
Afinia H+1 3D Printer
Posted by John Marello on

Out-of-the-Box 3D Printing Experience for Educators, Engineers, and Hobbyists The Afinia H+1 is perfect for serious educators, engineers, and hobbyists. With intuitive software and features like fully-automated platform leveling, material-specific printheads, dual air filtration, and more, the H+1 is a top-of-the-line 3D printer. Plus, Afinia offers unbeatable and unlimited lifetime phone support, and a one-year warranty. The H+1 belongs to the award-winning line of H-series desktop 3D printers, which have been praised again and again by industry authorities: Best Overall, Easiest to Set Up, Easiest to Use, Reliable Performer and Best for Schools - MAKE Magazine’s 3D Printer Shootout Awards...