News — CAD
Free CAD Software... Part Two
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Free CAD Software... Part Two Next in a series of looks at *FREE* CAD software. When you move beyond just downloading what you are going to print, and need to make your own design, what do you use? We'll be looking at some free alternatives to the expensive CAD heavyweights that are out there. They all take some adjusting to, and have their own interface quirks and conventions and methods of accomplishing things. Today our candidate is TinkerCAD. The best thing about this one is that is does not require anything to be installed on your system. It's entirely cloud-based...
Free CAD Software... Part One
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Free CAD Software... Part One First in a series of looks at *FREE* CAD software. When you move beyond just downloading what you are going to print, and need to make your own design, what do you use? We'll be looking at some free alternatives to the expensive CAD heavyweights that are out there. They all take some adjusting to, and have their own interface quirks and conventions and methods of accomplishing things. Today's candidate is, for pretty obvious reasons [it's free!], is called FreeCad. Get FreeCAD here. For Windows, MAC, or LINUX. For all your 3D Printer needs, visit...