News — nylon filament
Printing Nylon or dissolvable support materials?
Posted by Jeff Coulter on
Z-NYLON is here!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

NEW Z-NYLON IS HERE! If you have been longing to try printing Nylon on your M200 PLUS [or your M300 PLUS] wait no longer! Now shipping for the M200 PLUS and M300 PLUS: Z-NYLON. [*Not recommended for the M200 or M300 Classic systems] Get it here.
- Tags: M200 Plus, M300 Plus, nylon filament, Z-NYLON, Zortrax M200 Plus
Raise your expectations!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

What can YOU print? One of our *great* and talented customers printed this A M A Z I N G OBJECT in Taulman 230 Nylon! Order your N2PLUS NOW!
- Tags: 3D Design, 3d printing, N2 Plus, nylon filament, raise3d
Got Raise3D?
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

We have Raise3D N2 [dual extruder] and N2PLUS [dual extruder] units in stock and ready to ship, along with spare parts and expert service and advice.
- Tags: 3D Printer Parts, 3D Printer Repair, 3D Printer Service, 3d printing, ABS, BuildTak, Dual Extruder, N2, N2 Plus, NinjaTek, nylon filament, PLA, raise3d
Nylon on the Raise3D N2 series.
Posted by Jeff Coulter on
From a good friend and client - we'll call him Jan for now [since that is his name]:I have had some success with the Taulman 230 use ABS High Res setting.Bump up the bed temp to 90Bump up the nozzle temp to 255Cover the extruder fans so that they are not blowing on the parts ( I use apiece of duct tape) [or you can use the Raise3D provided slide on covers from the accessory bag].And use the override on the travel speed set at 60%And I cover the print are with the all-purpose Elmer's glue stick.The corners do warp...
- Tags: 3d printing, 3D Printing Tips, nylon filament, raise3d