News — BVOH
Raise3D E2 printing PLA with BVOH support Part 2
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Raise3D E2 printing PLA with BVOH support Part 2 This can be a challenging process, and it's VITAL that you have your system well calibrated and tuned. But the results are rather rewarding. Raise3D Premium PLA with BVOH as the disolvable support material. Very small detail can be kept very clean and correct without the internal sagging and ugliness [or impossible to get to in order to remove] normal break-away supports can bring. Get your Raise3D E2 PremiumPLA here. BVOH now shipping. Get your Raise3D E2 Professional Starter Bundle here.
- Tags: BVOH
Raise3D E2 printing PLA with BVOH support
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Raise3D E2 printing PLA with BVOH support This can be a challenging process, and it's VITAL that you have your system well calibrated and tuned. But the results are rather rewarding. Raise3D Premium PLA with BVOH as the disolvable support material. Very small detail can be kept very clean and correct without the internal sagging and ugliness [or impossible to get to in order to remove] normal break-away supports can bring. Get your Raise3D E2 PremiumPLA here. BVOH coming soon... Get your Raise3D E2 Professional Starter Bundle here.