News — afinia h800
Afinia Back to School Promotion
Posted by John Marello on

Get $200 off the Afinia H800+ 3D printer. Offer ends 10/31/2018 Afinia Back to School Special!! $200 off the Award winning Afinia H800+. Now only $1699!! Afinia's H800+ desktop 3D printer features a build area that is five times larger and prints 30% faster than its H480 model, so you can quickly build bigger concept models and functional prototypes. The large build volume and faster performance isn't the only story. In addition to bigger 3D prints, the H800+ has a number of exciting features. Learn more HERE
Octave Transparent ABS is here!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Transparent ABS! It's here!! The popular Octave ABS filament is back! You've been asking for it! Get it here.
- Tags: 3d printing, 3D printing filament, 3dprinting, ABS, Afinia, afinia h800, CraftBot, CraftBot 3, CraftUnique, octave abs filament, PRO 2 PLUS, Raise Pro2, raise3d, Raise3D Pro2 Plus, UP 3D printers, Up Mini, UP mini 2
3D Printed Life-Size Droid
Posted by John Marello on

3D Printed Life-Size Droid Inspiring Students with 3D Printing and Robotics David Shircliff, a Technology Education teacher at Stone Hill Middle School in Ashburn, VA, printed a life-size R2-D2* for his class using the Afinia H800 3D printer. After a year of printing between student projects and ten 1000g rolls of mainly ABS filament, and with the help of VEX components, this beautiful astromech droid was created. Not only can the robot move around, it speaks droid, spins its head, and the upper arm pops out. This is an excellent example of what is possible when 3D printing is combined...
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

A great printer at a great price! has been our demo unit for a while now, and it has been our faithful and reliable companion at quite a few trade shows, but cared for like an old friend. A great value, and includes the Octave Temperature Switch for even greater flexibility in filament choices! Also includes a nearly full spool of Octave ABS in black.
- Tags: Afinia, afinia h800, DEMO UNIT
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

If your printer needs some repairs, we can probably take care of it. Nearly any problem, from a small fix to a complete overhaul and rebuild, we can handle it.We sell and service: CraftBot, MakerBot, Zortrax, Raise3D and Afinia.If you have another printer, get in touch and we'll see what we can do to get you back up and running.
- Tags: 3D Printer Repair, 3D Printer Service, Afinia, afinia h800, CraftBot, M200, Makerbot, N2 Plus, Raise3D, Zortrax