News — Raise3D Open Filament Program
Raise3D Go Green Initiative
Posted by John Marello on

Go Green Initiative The “Go Green Initiative” represents Raise3D’s commitment to pursue the best knowledge and follow the best practices with the aim of minimizing its ecological footprint. Raise3D believes the best approach is to be green by nature. As a designer and manufacturer of additive manufacturing equipment and solutions, being green by nature translates mostly into designing solutions that can be efficient in terms of energy and sustain a heavy workload with full operational effectiveness for many years. As a company that is part of a whole business environment, however, there are many more areas we will consider, and many positive actions we can take....
- Tags: Go Green Initiative, raise3d, Raise3D E2, Raise3D Filament, Raise3D Go Green, Raise3D ideaMaker, Raise3D Open Filament Program, Raise3D Pro 2, Raise3D Pro2 Plus, Raise3D Pro3, Raise3D Pro3 Plus, Raise3D Spare Parts
Raise3D Premium Filaments & Spare Parts
Posted by John Marello on

Profound3D offers Raise3D filaments for general, production and special applications. Raise3D E2, N-Series and Pro-Series replacement parts and accessories are in stock and ready to ship. From spare nozzles and replacement build surfaces, to boards and thermocouplers. Shop Online at
- Tags: 3D filament, 3D printer filament, 3D printers, 3D printing, 3D printing filament, Raise 3D filament, raise3d, Raise3D E2, Raise3D N2, Raise3D N2 Plus, Raise3D Open Filament Program, Raise3D Pro 2, Raise3D Pro2 Plus, Raise3D Replacement Parts, Raise3D Spare Parts, replacement parts, spare parts
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

The OFP No, the OFP is not a rapper [that we are aware of at least - apologies if we missed you!]. The OFP is Raise3D's Open Filament Program. They do all the hard work and heavy lifting to develop profiles for over a hundred different materials. All you have to do is: Purchase the approved material. Import the material profile into ideaMaker. Slice your model using the profile. Print. Learn how to import a material profile here. Find your approved material profile here.
- Tags: Raise 3D, Raise 3D E2, Raise 3D filament, Raise 3D ideaMaker, Raise 3D N2 Plus, Raise 3D printers, Raise 3D Pro 2, Raise 3D Pro 2 Plus, Raise Pro2, Raise PVA filament, raise3d, Raise3D E2, Raise3D E2CF, Raise3D N2, Raise3D N2 Plus, Raise3D Open Filament Program, Raise3D Pro 2, Raise3D Pro2 Plus, Raise3D Pro3, Raise3D Pro3 Plus
Raise3D E2 printing PLA with BVOH support
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Raise3D E2 printing PLA with BVOH support This can be a challenging process, and it's VITAL that you have your system well calibrated and tuned. But the results are rather rewarding. Raise3D Premium PLA with BVOH as the disolvable support material. Very small detail can be kept very clean and correct without the internal sagging and ugliness [or impossible to get to in order to remove] normal break-away supports can bring. Get your Raise3D E2 PremiumPLA here. BVOH coming soon... Get your Raise3D E2 Professional Starter Bundle here.
- Tags: BVOH, dissolvable filament, Raise 3D, Raise 3D E2, Raise 3D filament, Raise 3D ideaMaker, Raise 3D printers, raise3d, Raise3D E2, Raise3D Open Filament Program
Raise3D Pro2 Plus 3D Printer Review!
Posted by John Marello on

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 5 star review from CC Clarke: Supermodel-Grade 3D Printer: Beautiful But FickleOne of our Raise3D (Pro2 Plus) 3D printers at work sat neglected, gathering dust in an upstairs corner. No one was able or willing to fix it and it seemed like a waste to let it sit there. I hit the web, read the manual and rolled up my sleeves. The problems were minor, (broken flex coupler, flaky heater rod and the hot end Z offset was incorrect.) Once I got some time using it, I was tasked with getting it to print ESD filament. For best results, use filament...
- Tags: 3D filament, 3D printer review, 3D Printer reviews, Customer Review, Five Star Review, Ideamaker, product reviews, Raise 3D, Raise 3D filament, Raise 3D printers, Raise 3D Pro 2, Raise 3D Pro 2 Plus, Raise3D Open Filament Program, Raise3D Pro 2, Raise3D Pro2 Plus