News — 3D printer Industry
Need help with your Raise3D Printer?
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Need help with your Raise3D Printer? Need some help or some parts for your Raise3D N2? Pro2? E2? We know them all. Our hundreds of satisfied customers, from the hobbyist to the full production shop owner can attest to our ability to keep your systems running at tip top capacity. Get the parts you need, consult with us on service and maintenance, or send it to us for a tuneup or repair. We have the parts you need to do it yourself. [and yes, the system below is back up and running dual color prints happily.] Or contact us to...
- Tags: 3D parts, 3D Print Technology, 3D printer, 3D printer Industry, 3D printer Lubricant, 3D Printer Maintenance, 3D Printer Parts, 3D Printer Repair, 3D printer safety, 3D Printer Warranty, 3D Printers
MakerBot Clean Air Webinar
Posted by John Marello on

MakerBot Webcast! How to Set Up a Safe 3D Printing Environment with the New Clean Air System for METHOD 3D Printers. ABOUT THE EVENT We often get asked — is 3D printing safe? Do I need to set up some sort of special filtration system? Should my 3D printer be kept in a lab or can it be used in an office environment closer to the team? There are a number of variables that determine what precautions you should take. Join us next on Thursday June 17th, as we walk through safe 3D printing considerations and do a live demo...
- Tags: #3d printers, 3D Education, 3D printer Industry, 3D printer safety, 3D printing, HEPA Filtration, Makerbot, Makerbot 3D printers, MAKERBOT CLEAN AIR SYSTEM, Makerbot Method, Makerbot Method X, MakerBot Webinar
Makerbot 2021 Guide to 3D Printing Materials
Posted by John Marello on

Choosing the right #3Dprinter can be daunting in 2021. Varieties in types, price points, and brands means there are many choices. Further complicating matters are the many varieties of materials coming out every year. To help matters, Makerbot has compiled a 30-page guide on the top #3Dprinting materials available in 2021, their strengths, weaknesses, applications, and more. Think of this as the first step in your journey to adopting a 3D printer. Download for Free: Makerbot Method Series 3D printers are available from!
- Tags: 3D in Education, 3D printer, 3D printer filament, 3D printer Industry, 3D printer supplies, 3D printing materials, Makerbot, Makerbot 3D printers, Makerbot Carbon Fiber, Makerbot Materials Guide, Makerbot Method, Makerbot Method X, Method 3D Printer, STEM Education
Meet the New ZMorph Fab 3D Printer
Posted by John Marello on

Meet the new Zmorph Fab. The most advanced and easy to use All-in-One 3D Printer on the market. TURN YOUR DESK INTO A WORKSHOP 3D printer, CNC unit, laser engraver & cutter - that fits on your desk. Learn more at
- Tags: 3D printer, 3D printer Industry, 3d printing, all-in-one 3d printer, Best All-In-One 3D printer, Desktop 3D Printer, Fab 3D printer, ZMORPH, ZMorph 3D printer, ZMorph 3D printers, Zmorph Fab, ZMorph Full Set, ZMorph Review
Please Write a Review!
Posted by John Marello on

We love it when customers let us know how they like the products, services and customer support offered by Profound3D. If you could please take a minute to post a review, we would really appreciate it. Facebook Google Thank you for your Business!!
- Tags: #3d printers, 3D accessories, 3D filament, 3D for Educators, 3D in Education, 3D printer Industry, 3D printer review, 3D printer sales, 3D Printer Service, 3D printer supplies, 3d printing, Facebook Reviews, Google Reviews, product reviews, Recommendations, Reviews