News — BuildTak
Spare parts and Accessories for 3D Printers
Posted by John Marello on

Looking for Replacement parts or accessories for your 3D Printer? Profound 3D carries parts for Raise 3D, Zortrax, ZMorph, Fusion3, Afinia, LulzBot and 3D PrintClean. Whether it's a replacement nozzle, print head, fan, cable or air filter, we've got them! To see all of our 3D printer parts and accessories, click HERE
- Tags: 3D Printer Enclosures, 3D printer nozzle, 3D Printer Parts, 3D Printer Repair, 3D Printer Service, 3D printer supplies, 3D Printers, 3d printing, Afinia, borosilicate glass, BuildTak, HEPA Filters, print head, raise3d, Raise3D Replacement Parts, ZMORPH, Zortrax, Zortrax 3D printers, Zortrax Replacement Parts
The Eiffel Tower Raise3D Build...
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

The Eiffel tower has started... Profound3D's own Professional PLA running at our preferred settings. [205C Extruder / 60C Bed] in green. More on this material tomorrow...It's a great match for your Raise3D, your CraftBot, your Afinia/Up, or any PLA compatible printer, and priced right!
- Tags: 3d printing, BuildTak, N2 Plus, PLA, raise3d
Got Raise3D?
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

We have Raise3D N2 [dual extruder] and N2PLUS [dual extruder] units in stock and ready to ship, along with spare parts and expert service and advice.
- Tags: 3D Printer Parts, 3D Printer Repair, 3D Printer Service, 3d printing, ABS, BuildTak, Dual Extruder, N2, N2 Plus, NinjaTek, nylon filament, PLA, raise3d
Got Raise3D?
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Our shipment of Raise3D N2 and N2PLUS are here - all dual extruder models! Plus some hardened nozzles, spare build plates and BuildTak... So get them while we have them. The first few orders have shipped and more will be shipping out next week after the QC process has been passed. You KNOW how hot these printers are - now you can get your own!
- Tags: 3d printing, BuildTak, Dual Extruder, N2, N2 Plus, raise3d