News — 3D printer review
Raise3D Pro2 Plus 3D Printer Review!
Posted by John Marello on

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 5 star review from CC Clarke: Supermodel-Grade 3D Printer: Beautiful But FickleOne of our Raise3D (Pro2 Plus) 3D printers at work sat neglected, gathering dust in an upstairs corner. No one was able or willing to fix it and it seemed like a waste to let it sit there. I hit the web, read the manual and rolled up my sleeves. The problems were minor, (broken flex coupler, flaky heater rod and the hot end Z offset was incorrect.) Once I got some time using it, I was tasked with getting it to print ESD filament. For best results, use filament...
- Tags: 3D filament, 3D printer review, 3D Printer reviews, Customer Review, Five Star Review, Ideamaker, product reviews, Raise 3D, Raise 3D filament, Raise 3D printers, Raise 3D Pro 2, Raise 3D Pro 2 Plus, Raise3D Open Filament Program, Raise3D Pro 2, Raise3D Pro2 Plus
Please Write a Review!
Posted by John Marello on

We love it when customers let us know how they like the products, services and customer support offered by Profound3D. If you could please take a minute to post a review, we would really appreciate it. Facebook Google Thank you for your Business!!
- Tags: #3d printers, 3D accessories, 3D filament, 3D for Educators, 3D in Education, 3D printer Industry, 3D printer review, 3D printer sales, 3D Printer Service, 3D printer supplies, 3d printing, Facebook Reviews, Google Reviews, product reviews, Recommendations, Reviews
5 Star Review for the ZMorph VX Multi-Tool 3D Printer - Full Set
Posted by John Marello on

Profound 3D recently received this 5 Star Review from our customer Caitlin: Happy with the ZMorph VX! We received our ZMorph VX 3D printer quickly. Really great customer service at Profound3D. And we are really liking the zMorph. It's a well built, downright fancy machine! If you have any questions about the Zmorph VX 3D printer, Call us at 888-874-7441. We are Open and Shipping!!
- Tags: 3D in classroom, 3D printer, 3D printer review, 3D printer sales, 3D Printers, 3d printing, CNC milling, CNC Routing, Five Star Review, laser cutter, laser engraver, thick paste extrusion, ZMORPH, ZMorph Review, ZMorph VX, ZMorph VX Full Set
Testing! Testing! Testing!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Testing! Testing! Testing! We are evaluating the Flashforge Guider IIs. So far it is printing very nicely. We will be putting it through its paces in the coming days... more soon...
- Tags: 3D printer review, ABS, ABS filament, FlashForge, Octave ABS, octave abs filament, Octave filament
Review: ZMorph VX Multi-Tool 3D Printer
Posted by John Marello on

Review of the ZMorph VX 3D Printer by 3D Printing Industry 3D printing, CNC carving and laser engraving – the ZMorph VX makes some bold claims about its capabilities. This multiple function desktop system was launched by its Polish namesake manufacturer, ZMorph, at TCT 2017. Now 3D Printing Industry engineers have been given the chance to put it to the test. According to its core claims, the ZMorph VX is of robust construction and designed for prolonged use. Its multiple toolheads, including a paste extruder and dual extruder, should be easily transferable, and the free ZMorph Academy course should enable...