News — Zortrax Resin pro
Zortrax Inkspire Resin UV LCD Desktop 3D Printer
Posted by John Marello on

Do you need to create intricate and highly detailed models? The Zortrax Inkspire Resin #3Dprinter gives you the possibility to print parts of high quality and provides precision unmatched by traditional 3D printing technologies. Zortrax's UV LCD Technology - UV LCD resin #3Dprinting is up to 8x faster and 9x more precise than SLA 3D printing. Extreme Precision and Detail - Inkspire's 50 x 50 micron pixel size (XY) and 25 micron minimal layer height means that you can produce #3Dprinted models with amazing detail, and layers so fine they can't be detected by the naked eye. Learn more about...
- Tags: Inkspire, Inkspire resin printer, Inkspire SLA Printer, resin 3D printers, Zortrax, Zortrax 3D printers, Zortrax Inkspire, Zortrax Parts, Zortrax Replacement Parts, Zortrax Resin, Zortrax Resin Basic, Zortrax Resin Dental, Zortrax resin printer, Zortrax Resin pro
Zortrax Inkspire Open Box M A D N E S S ! !
Posted by Jeff Coulter on
Zortrax Inkspire Open Box M A D N E S S ! ! Price cut AGAIN on Zortrax Inkspire Open Box systems! In stock and ready to ship TODAY! Get an Open Box Zortrax Inkspire Bargain here. Limited selection - act now!
- Tags: #3d printers, 3D Dentistry, Inkspire, Inkspire resin printer, Inkspire SLA Printer, resin 3D printers, Resin UV printers, Zortrax Inkspire, Zortrax Resin Basic, Zortrax Resin Dental, Zortrax resin printer, Zortrax Resin pro, Zortrax Sale
Zortrax Inkspire Open Box Price Drop - IT'S SHEER M A D N E S S ! !
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Zortrax Inkspire Open Box M A D N E S S ! ! Price cut AGAIN on Zortrax Inkspire Open Box systems! In stock and ready to ship TODAY! Get an Open Box Zortrax Inkspire Bargain [before we come to our senses] here. Limited selection - act now!
- Tags: Inkspire, Inkspire resin printer, Inkspire SLA Printer, SLA printers, Zortrax Inkspire, Zortrax Resin, Zortrax Resin Basic, Zortrax Resin Dental, Zortrax resin printer, Zortrax Resin pro, Zortrax Sale, Zortrax specials
Raydent Surgical Guide Resin
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Raydent Surgical Guide Resin Need some specialty resin? Crystal-clear Resin Featuring Class I Biocompatibility. Ideal for 3D Printing Precise Dental Surgical Guides with Zortrax Inkspire. In Stock - get it here. Zortrax Resin Printers In Stock - get an Inkspire here.
- Tags: 3D Dentistry, Raydent, resin 3D printers, Surgical Guide Resin, Zortrax Inkspire, Zortrax Resin, Zortrax Resin Basic, Zortrax Resin Dental, Zortrax Resin pro
Inkspire Best Practice
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Inkspire Best Practice When using your Inkspire, you will inevitably come across some resin on the LCD panel that's perhaps leaked or a drop got underneath the FEP Film and has become cured onto the LCD Panel. It's VERY important that you ONLY use the plastic spatula to clean the LCD Panel - be patient and use some Isopropyl and you'll be able to get it cleared. If you don't it will create distortions in your prints. Also be sure to handle your FEP Film carefully - it's pretty fragile stuff and you need to avoid tears and leaks. Get...
- Tags: 3D printer, 3D Printer Repair, 3D Printer Service, Inkspire, Inkspire resin printer, Inkspire SLA Printer, resin 3D printers, Resin UV printers, Zortrax Inkspire, Zortrax Resin, Zortrax Resin Basic, Zortrax Resin Dental, Zortrax Resin pro