News — CNC Routing
ZMorph Materials Library
Posted by John Marello on

ZMORPH MATERIALS LIBRARY - ZMORPH FAB The Zmorph Materials library is the most comprehensive materials usability and technical specification catalog on the market today. It covers over 50 materials for the Zmorph FAB 3D printing, CNC, and Laser capabilities. View or download the Zmorph Materials Library, Profound3D is the Authorized Reseller for ZMorph #3Dprinting products in the USA. View ZMorph products on our website at
- Tags: 3D printer filament, 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing, CNC Routing, laser engraving, rapid prototyping, ZMORPH, ZMorph 3D printer, ZMorph 3D printers, Zmorph Fab, ZMorph filament, ZMorph Materials Library
ZMorph Fab - The Most Advanced All-in-One 3D Printer, Yet!
Posted by John Marello on

ZMorph Fab - The Most Advanced All-in-One 3D Printer, Yet! Three tools in one device for learning and prototyping. The FAB can do it all! Switch the tool-heads to use a #3Dprinter, #CNCmilling machine, or a #laserengraver. With stellar built quality, user friendly interface, and industry standard electronics, Zmorph Fab is the most versatile and reliable all-in-one 3D printer on the market.Profound3D has four Zmorph FAB options to choose from. Find the details on our website at
- Tags: 3D printer, 3D Printing, CNC, CNC laser, CNC milling, CNC Routing, desktop laser cutter, laser cutter, laser engraver, laser etching, ZMORPH, ZMorph 3D printer, ZMorph 3D printers, Zmorph Fab, Zmorph Fab All-in-One, ZMorph Fab Bundle Box, ZMorph Fab Educational Bundle, zmorph spare parts, ZMorph Toolheads
Posted by John Marello on

The ZMorph FAB is the perfect solution for the daily 3D printing demands of schools, engineering and architectural firms, and other manufacturing and prototyping environments. The ZMorph FAB 3D printer is a great way to get started with #3Dprinting. While it does not include the toolheads and worktable for #CNCmilling and #lasercutting and #engraving, you can always purchase these later to expand the capabilities of this multi-tool #3Dprinter. If you are interested in the ZMorph's CNC milling and laser engraving features, check out the ZMorph Fab All-in-One. If you need the full Fab experience, complete with dual material 3D printing...
- Tags: CNC laser, CNC milling, CNC Routing, education, Engineering, laser cutter, laser engraver, laser etching, manufacturing, multitool 3D printer, rapid prototyping, thick paste extrusion, ZMORPH, ZMorph 3D printer, ZMorph 3D printers, Zmorph Fab, Zmorph Fab All-in-One, ZMorph Fab Bundle Box, ZMorph Fab Educational Bundle
Create with the ZMorph FAB!!
Posted by John Marello on

Look what you can create with the new ZMorph FAB Multitool 3D printer! This machine can do it all. Switch the tool-heads to use a #3Dprinter, #CNCmilling machine, or a #lasercutter/engraver. With stellar built quality, user friendly interface, and industry standard electronics, #Zmorph Fab is the most versatile and reliable all-in-one 3D printer on the market. Learn more about the ZMorph FAB at Profound3D,
- Tags: CNC laser, CNC milling, CNC Routing, laser cutting, laser engraver, laser etching, ZMORPH, ZMorph 3D printer, ZMorph 3D printers, ZMorph Academy, Zmorph Fab, ZMorph Fab Videos, ZMorph filament, ZMorph Full Set, ZMorph Materials Library, ZMorph Print Set, ZMorph Review, zmorph spare parts, ZMorph Toolheads, Zmorph Voxelizer
Switching Toolheads with ZMorph FAB
Posted by John Marello on

ZMorph Fab Multi-tool 3D printer! What's most important for a multi-tool 3D Printer? Of course it's how easy it is to switch to different tools! In this video, see how you can change the toolhead and the working platform of the Zmorph Fab All-in-One 3D Printer in one minute. The machine can even detect the change automatically! ZMorph FAB 3-in-1 Multitool 3D printer - You want one and has them in stock and ready to ship!
- Tags: Additive Manufacturing, CNC milling, CNC Routing, desktop laser, laser cutter, laser engraver, laser etching, multitool 3D printer, rapid prototyping, thick paste extrusion, ZMORPH, ZMorph 3D printer, ZMorph 3D printers, Zmorph Fab, ZMorph Fab Videos, ZMorph Toolheads