This truck brings shop class and 3D printers to low-income schools

Posted by Jacqui Adams on

Taken from CNNMoney

           by Parija Kavilanz

stem truck kids

Jason Martin is an elementary school teacher who's passionate about STEM.

He wants curriculum focused on science, technology, engineering and math in every school in America. But many public schools simply can't afford it.

"There's an opportunity gap in public education," said Martin. "Schools in low-income neighborhoods just don't have the resources to add a shop class or a maker lab."

So Martin decided to take those classes to the students. His STE(A)M Truck travels to schools in the Atlanta area (the "A" is for art), bringing 3D printers, laser cutters, saws and laptops to low-income students.

Much of the learning is done through project-based challenges. One class was asked to design a camera for a videographer who was born without arms. Another was asked to brainstorm ways to make eating vegetables more fun.


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