News — Raise3D E2
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

The OFP No, the OFP is not a rapper [that we are aware of at least - apologies if we missed you!]. The OFP is Raise3D's Open Filament Program. They do all the hard work and heavy lifting to develop profiles for over a hundred different materials. All you have to do is: Purchase the approved material. Import the material profile into ideaMaker. Slice your model using the profile. Print. Learn how to import a material profile here. Find your approved material profile here.
- Tags: Raise 3D, Raise 3D E2, Raise 3D filament, Raise 3D ideaMaker, Raise 3D N2 Plus, Raise 3D printers, Raise 3D Pro 2, Raise 3D Pro 2 Plus, Raise Pro2, Raise PVA filament, raise3d, Raise3D E2, Raise3D E2CF, Raise3D N2, Raise3D N2 Plus, Raise3D Open Filament Program, Raise3D Pro 2, Raise3D Pro2 Plus, Raise3D Pro3, Raise3D Pro3 Plus
Want to print CF materials?
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Want to print CF materials? Need to print some challenging or advanced material that would ruin a standard brass nozzle in no time?? Get these on your Raise3D E2 or Pro2 and you are all set. These wear-resistant and high-temperature resistant steel nozzles are for use with Raise3D E2 and Pro2-Series 3D printers, available in 0.4mm, 0.6mm, and 0.8mm, sizes. These nozzles work well for standard filament materials, as well as composite filaments with higher print temperatures or abrasive additives, like carbon fiber, steel, wood, boron carbide, tungsten, phosphorescent pigment, and others. Please note that Raise3D V3 hardened nozzles are...
- Tags: Raise 3D, Raise 3D E2, Raise 3D printers, Raise 3D Pro 2, Raise 3D Pro 2 Plus, Raise Pro2, Raise3D E2, Raise3D Pro 2, Raise3D Pro2 Plus, Raise3D Spare Parts
Raise3D E2 printing PLA with BVOH support
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Raise3D E2 printing PLA with BVOH support This can be a challenging process, and it's VITAL that you have your system well calibrated and tuned. But the results are rather rewarding. Raise3D Premium PLA with BVOH as the disolvable support material. Very small detail can be kept very clean and correct without the internal sagging and ugliness [or impossible to get to in order to remove] normal break-away supports can bring. Get your Raise3D E2 PremiumPLA here. BVOH coming soon... Get your Raise3D E2 Professional Starter Bundle here.
- Tags: BVOH, dissolvable filament, Raise 3D, Raise 3D E2, Raise 3D filament, Raise 3D ideaMaker, Raise 3D printers, raise3d, Raise3D E2, Raise3D Open Filament Program
Raise3D E2 in stock and ready to ship today.
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

We have another FRESH batch of Raise3D E2 systems in stock - they won't last! We have fresh stock HERE NOW and READY TO SHIP, but they won't last forever! We are struggling to keep these in stock - get one NOW without waiting. Get your E2 or a startup bundle while they last! Get this turnkey startup bundle with everything you need to get started and keep you going for MANY prints. No need to worry about ordering more filament or supplies for a while - you are all set for hundreds of hours of printing! The Raise3D E2...
- Tags: Raise 3D, Raise 3D E2, Raise 3D printers, Raise3D E2
ideaMaker 4.2.0 Beta Now Available
Posted by John Marello on

Prepare files for printing with Raise3D’s unique 3D slicer software - ideaMaker. Just released, the newest and most updated version of ideaMaker slicing software with new features and improvements! Easily create textures Customize your support Use automatic parameters for optimization Improve 3D Printed Parts by Fine-Tuning Parameters Region by Region Freely Adjust Models on Demand Get Free Template Immediately Connect seamlessly with RaiseCloud and ideaMaker library for a perfect integrated workflow and more! Download this version for FREE now.
- Tags: 3D printer, 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing, Ideamaker, ideaMaker 4.2.0, Ideamaker tutorial, Raise 3D ideaMaker, Raise 3D printers, raise3d, Raise3D E2, Raise3D Pro 2, Raise3D Pro2 Plus, Raise3D RaiseCloud