News — N2
The container HAS ARRIVED!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

THEY ARE HERE! Our container shipment of Raise3D N2 and N2PLUS has arrived! Remember: ALL RAISE3D PRICING IS DELIVERED! Order your N2PLUS NOW!
- Tags: 3d printing, N2, N2 Plus, raise3d
A fresh crop of Raise3D!
Posted by Jeff Coulter on
- Tags: 3d printing, N2, N2 Plus, raise3d
Angus looks at The Raise
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Angus looks at The Raise "The biggest 3D Printer yet on Maker's Muse! How does it stack up and is it worth the price tag and immense weight?" See his review here. Buy a Raise3D here.
- Tags: 3d printing, Dual Extruder, N2, N2 Plus, raise3d
Day 2: The Eiffel Tower Raise3D Build...
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

Our new Premium PLA is printing great on the Raise3D N2+!Great material - great price!Don't settle for the discount stuff and the associated disappointing results.
- Tags: 3D Architecture, 3d printing, CraftBot, Filament Testing, N2, N2 Plus, PLA, raise3d
Getting ready to move...
Posted by Jeff Coulter on