News — education
Raise3D 3D Printers from
Posted by John Marello on

Raise3D professional 3D printers are ready to customize products on demand with 24/7 reliability. They are fast, accurate & high resolution with large build platforms. The Raise3D range of 3D printers produces high-quality 3D printed parts with filaments such as PLA, ABS, ASA, PETG, TPU, PP, and PC. All Raise3D printers connect seamlessly to our 3D printing software ecosystem for added benefit to our printers’ 3D printing functionality and productivity. The software ecosystem consists of 3D slicing software, ideaMaker, an open-software template called ideaMaker Library, and our cloud-based 3D printing software RaiseCloud. Raise3D’s software comes with designated support for any...
- Tags: 3D Education, 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing, education, Engineering, Raise 3D, Raise 3D E2, Raise 3D filament, Raise 3D ideaMaker, Raise 3D printers, Raise 3D Pro 2, Raise 3D Pro 2 Plus, Raise3D E2, Raise3D E2CF, Raise3D Pro3, Raise3D Pro3 Plus, Raise3D Replacement Parts, RaiseShield Warranty, rapid prototyping
How is 3D Printing Transforming the Automotive Industry?
Posted by John Marello on

Applications of 3D printing in the automotive industry have evolved from printing relatively simple prototypes and a low production of parts, to 3D printing of entire cars. In the case of car auto designs, 3D printing auto parts and car models with products of the Raise3D 3D printer suite provides the ability to build small 3D scale models and increase in range prior to the part assembly process. This 3D manufacturing process has helped with many useful functions such as testing and tooling, also speeding the process for an enhanced final design and production. How is Raise3D Printing Technology Transforming The Automotive...
- Tags: 3D in Education, 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing, auto parts, Automotive Industry, education, Engineering, manufacturing, Raise 3D, Raise 3D printers, Raise 3D Pro 2, Raise 3D Pro 2 Plus, rapid prototyping
3D Printer Educational Bundles
Posted by John Marello on

3D PRINTER EDUCATIONAL BUNDLES Save a bundle for your school with our 3D Printer educational bundles! Our bundles include everything needed to get your school up and printing with the best possible 3D printers at the best possible prices. Profound3D is the Leader In 3D Printers For Educators & Teaching Professionals. Explore our Educational Bundle Options at
- Tags: 3D Education, 3D printer, 3D printer discount, 3D Printers, Best 3D printer, Desktop 3D Printer, education, education discounts, Educational Bundle, robotics in education, STEM Education
Pre-Order Alert! Creality CR-5 Pro H 3D Printer
Posted by John Marello on

Pre-Order Alert! Creality CR-5 Pro H 3D Printer High Temp - Value Priced - Big Build Platform Our first shipment of Creality CR-5 Pro H #3Dprinters is due in later this month. Place your order now to get in line for our limited supply of this great #3DPrinter value. Introductory Price $1249. Order today at
- Tags: 3D Education, 3D printer, 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing, CREALITY, Creality CR-5 Pro H, education, Engineering, high temp 3D printer, makersgonnamake, manufacturing, rapid prototyping, School Makerspace, STEM Education
MakerBot Webinar - The Secret to 3D Printing Stronger Parts
Posted by John Marello on

Part strength is extremely important when 3D printing manufacturing tools, production parts, or even test prototypes. While material selection is part of the equation, there is another less talked about feature that exists on the MakerBot METHOD that can provide almost 2X the strength of a part printed in the same material on a competitive desktop 3D printer. Tune in for this episode of the MakerBot PRO Webcast Series as we dive into all things part strength and uncover the secret feature of the MakerBot METHOD that allows it to print stronger parts in the same materials. MakerBot Method...
- Tags: 3D printer, 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing, Automotive Industry, education, Engineering, Makerbot, Makerbot 3D printers, Makerbot Method, Makerbot Method X, MakerBot Webinar, manufacturing, rapid prototyping, STEM Education