News — 3D Scanners
Matter and Form V2 3D Scanner Review
Posted by John Marello on

Matter and Form 3D Scanner V2 Review – ALL3DP Budget Pick in 2019 At just under $749, the Matter and Form V2 is a suitable option for artists, educators, and hobbyists that want a high-resolution 3D scanner for a low price. To read the ALL3DP review of the Matter and From V2 3D Scanner, click HERE
- Tags: 3D Design, 3D in classroom, 3D Printers, 3d printing, 3D scanner, 3D Scanners, ALL3DP, Budget 3D scanner, Matter and Form, MatterandForm V2, V2 3D scanner
Einscan Pro 2X/2X Plus Multi-Functional Handheld 3D Scanners
Posted by John Marello on
New! EinScan Pro 2X & EinScan Pro 2X Plus, the next generation of handheld 3D scanners!! Meet the completely new EinScan Pro 2X & EinScan Pro 2X Plus, the next generation of handheld 3D scanners with the latest technology. These new models are based on the feedback from thousands of users and the valuable input of SHINING 3D’s own R&D team. Being faster and more accurate than ever before, the portable versatile EinScan Pro 2X & EinScan Pro 2X Plus will improve the efficiency of high-quality 3D modeling. Learn more about these exceptional new 3D Scanners here,
- Tags: 3D Design, 3D in classroom, 3D Printers, 3d printing, 3D Scanners, Einscan Pro 2X, Einscan Pro 2X Plus, Einscan scanners, handheld scanners, scanners
The Shining 3D EinScan Handheld 3D Scanner
Posted by Jeff Coulter on

The Shining 3D EinScan Handheld 3D Scanner SHINING 3D Develops Helmet For Brainwave Research. "Scanning brainwaves and neural activity is a standard part of neuro-bliological research. However, as with most areas of medical technology, the helmet had to fit the exact specifications of the patient. This is where the EinScan came in. The team used the scanner to get the exact model of the eventual patient by moving it around them in a 360° rotation. It then displayed and computed the scans of the head in real time, which were crucial for 3D modelling the helmet." Read all about it...
ZMorph VX 2018’s Best All-In-One 3D Printer
Posted by John Marello on

2018’s Best All-In-One 3D Printer/Laser Engraver/Scanner/CNC is the ZMorph VX Check out ALL3DP's 2018 Top Pick for all-in-one 3D printer, laser engraver, 3D scanner and CNC machines - The ZMorph VX!! "Professional results from a series of highly developed toolheads, plus above average (for an all-in-one machine) build space makes the ZMorph VX a powerhouse of a desktop tool."
- Tags: 3D Printers, 3D Scanners, ALL3DP, CNC, laser etching, ZMORPH, ZMorph VX
Siemens Solid Edge ST10 – Coming soon to EinScan 3D scanners
Posted by John Marello on

Solid Edge ST10 will soon be available for EinScan-SP, Pro and Pro+ 3D Scanners The Siemens ST10 software is a high-performance hybrid CAD system which addresses all aspects of the product development process and brings the latest “Next Generation” design technologies, by adding Reverse Design, Generative design and Simulation modules together with CAD design system. Special Shining Einscan 3D scanner bundles with Siemens Solid Edge ST10 Classic software coming soon for the following EinScan models: SP, Pro, and Pro+. Pricing and Availability to be announced soon. For more information, see this Software Demo PDF or contact Profound 3D.